And The Storm Carried On
The pre-dawn light had difficulty expressing itself through the moisture-laden overcast … and the storm carried on.
As sun-up slowly brightened the ambience, a gentle zephyr continued swirling a mixture of crystalline flakes and sleet through the grassland’s scape and a silent-winged visitor came low over the terrain landing upon an ancient, snow-mantled fence post. The Short- eared Owl had arrived … and the storm carried on.
For a while the plucky predator keenly scanned with both eye and ear the nearby expanse, searching for a tell-tale murid movement or sound that would disclose the location of its quarry. The reticent domain balefully glared back and was silent … and the storm carried on.
Without foreshadow the diminutive dynamo stooped forward and firmly launched to the sky. Its flight in departing was as silent and airy as its arrival … and the storm carried on.
~ Anecdote and Short-eared Owl capture, And The Storm Carried On © Jerry L. Ferrara.