Brown Bear – Briefly Held In Time

Brown Bear

Briefly Held In Time Along a gently flowing stream in a wild and remote setting on the Alaskan Peninsula, a sow Brown Bear [left] pauses with one of her youngsters [right] to quench their thirsts. The bruins were captured not just by the camera and lens, but were briefly held in time by the aqueous, mirrored surface that idled the untamed domain. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, Briefly Held In Time © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – Tranquility

Brown Bear

Tranquility Tranquility governed the landscape as the Brown Bear lumbered along the placid interface of lake and land. A very gentle breeze caused small waves to gently lick the shore. As the bruin progressed in my direction, I slowly moved a few feet inland out of its direct path and sat down in the grass. And I waited. The clouds overhead and in the background were halcyon to the eye while the distant brightening sky, from a sun not quite exposed, boldly announced the coming day. The goal, on my part, was to snare the creature’s silhouette in the notch between the snow-topped mountains on the lake’s far side. Using an ultra-wide-angle lens, the beast was captured at the preconceived moment.  ~ Brown Bear capture and story, Tranquility © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Brown Bear – Up On Two

Brown Bear

Up On Two The species Brown Bear does not relish surprises, especially when suddenly encountering one of its own kind in close proximity. While wandering through tall, thick, grassy riparian habitats, they will periodically practice the art of standing upright on their hind quarters to peer over the vegetation, just in case another bear is nearby.  I am a bear, so do beware. Wander me, through the grassy sea. Tall reeds are, why I won’t see far. But what if there, be another bear? So up on two, I peruse the view.
I am a bear, that is aware. ~ Anecdote, poem and Brown Bear capture, Up On Two © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Polar Bear – A Better View

Polar Bear

A Better View Water flowing off its forelimbs and massive paws, a Polar Bear rears up for a better view in the chilly waters of ANWR. ~ Anecdote and Polar Bear capture, A Better View © Jerry L. Ferrara

Alaskan Brown Bear – Hey Bear!

Alaskan Brown Bear

Hey Bear! This big fella gave a quick pose while taking a brief moment away from fishing. Hey Bear! ~ Anecdote and Alaskan Brown Bear capture, Hey Bear! © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – Alaskan Brown Bear

Brown Bear

Alaskan Brown Bear In a remote setting on the Alaskan peninsula, a Brown Bear was going about the business of cleaning its coat by rolling around on the grass. As he flipped from side to side on his back, the bruin suddenly sat up. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, Alaskan Brown Bear © Jerry L. Ferrara

Polar Bear – Rub-a-dub

Polar Bear

Rub-a-dub On the distant marge of Alaska’s interface with the frigid Arctic Ocean, Polar Bears gathered in anticipation of the forming ice pack. In many instances their coats were quite dirty and there was no snow on the ground , yet … not the best of circumstances and settings for photography. Then it snowed. Rub-a-dub, its coat wears mud When come the snows, the bruin knows To make it clean, a roll it seems Is all it takes, and fine it makes ~ Anecdote, poem and Polar Bear capture, Rub-a-dub © Jerry L. Ferrara

Alaskan Brown Bear – Tranquility

Alaskan Brown Bear

Tranquility Tranquility governed the landscape as the Alaskan Brown Bear lumbered along the placid interface of lake and land. A very gentle breeze caused small waves to gently lick the shore. The clouds overhead and in the background were halcyon to the eye while the distant brightening sky, from a sun not quite exposed, boldly announced the coming day.  ~ Anecdote and Alaskan Brown Bear capture, Tranquility © Jerry L. Ferrara