Brown Bear – Briefly Held In Time

Brown Bear

Briefly Held In Time Along a gently flowing stream in a wild and remote setting on the Alaskan Peninsula, a sow Brown Bear [left] pauses with one of her youngsters [right] to quench their thirsts. The bruins were captured not just by the camera and lens, but were briefly held in time by the aqueous, mirrored surface that idled the untamed domain. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, Briefly Held In Time © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – Tranquility

Brown Bear

Tranquility Tranquility governed the landscape as the Brown Bear lumbered along the placid interface of lake and land. A very gentle breeze caused small waves to gently lick the shore. As the bruin progressed in my direction, I slowly moved a few feet inland out of its direct path and sat down in the grass. And I waited. The clouds overhead and in the background were halcyon to the eye while the distant brightening sky, from a sun not quite exposed, boldly announced the coming day. The goal, on my part, was to snare the creature’s silhouette in the notch between the snow-topped mountains on the lake’s far side. Using an ultra-wide-angle lens, the beast was captured at the preconceived moment.  ~ Brown Bear capture and story, Tranquility © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Brown Bear – Face Off

Brown Bear

Face Off It was past 11:00pm on the Alaskan peninsula and the light was drop-dead gorgeous. The site was a bit inland from remote Hallo Bay. Two Brown Bear were engaged in a “rough and tumble” play fight. Face-to-face and mouth-to-mouth they challenged each other in a mock duel. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, Face Off © Jerry L. Ferrara

Alaskan Brown Bear – Hey Bear!

Alaskan Brown Bear

Hey Bear! This big fella gave a quick pose while taking a brief moment away from fishing. Hey Bear! ~ Anecdote and Alaskan Brown Bear capture, Hey Bear! © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – Alaskan Brown Bear

Brown Bear

Alaskan Brown Bear In a remote setting on the Alaskan peninsula, a Brown Bear was going about the business of cleaning its coat by rolling around on the grass. As he flipped from side to side on his back, the bruin suddenly sat up. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, Alaskan Brown Bear © Jerry L. Ferrara

Alaskan Brown Bear – Tranquility

Alaskan Brown Bear

Tranquility Tranquility governed the landscape as the Alaskan Brown Bear lumbered along the placid interface of lake and land. A very gentle breeze caused small waves to gently lick the shore. The clouds overhead and in the background were halcyon to the eye while the distant brightening sky, from a sun not quite exposed, boldly announced the coming day.  ~ Anecdote and Alaskan Brown Bear capture, Tranquility © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – The Eventide

Brown Bear

The Eventide The Alaskan Brown Bear traipsed the remote and lonely lakeside. Typical of bruin ambulation, the creature’s gait was lumbering while its attention seemed without regard … if not downright introspective. The setting was fitting, too, as the light sauntered leisurely toward the eventide. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, The Eventide © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Bear – The Bear, The Light and The Drama

Brown Bear

The Bear, The Light and The Drama Every day for two weeks I walked past a finger of land that projected into a remote Alaskan lake. Sometimes a Brown Bear was on the spit, but the light was terrible for capturing a visually meaningful moment. On other occasions, the presentation painted across the sweep was stunningly gorgeous, but always a bruin was absent from the landscape. I had about given up capturing that point in time where. the bear and the light came together, at least how I envisioned it in my mind’s eye. On the morning before the day the float plane was to retrieve us, I trekked past the small peninsula thinking, most likely, for the final time. The sky was riotous in presentation … and the bear was in perfect position near the point. ~ Anecdote and Brown Bear capture, The Bear, The Light and The Drama © Jerry L. Ferrara

Alaskan Brown Bear – Like A Tsunami

Alaskan Brown Bear

Like A Tsunami The Alaskan Brown Bear seemed purposeful in its movement through the river. It sported an unwavering demeanor, zealously scanning as it wandered the watery way. Then the bruin sat back on its haunches in the shallows and stared intently at one single spot. Without forecast, the burly beast loomed up like a towering tsunami. With claws extended, it plunged toward the hapless fish. ~ Anecdote and Alaskan Brown Bear capture, Like A Tsunami © Jerry L. Ferrara