Bald Eagle – Wings Aloft

Bald Eagle

Wings Aloft Feathers spread with grace divine Wings aloft by Grand Design ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, Wings Aloft © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Tranquil Did The Predator Wait

Bald Eagle

Tranquil Did The Predator Wait Gently fell the silken snow and quietude saturated the soft silent surroundings. In the midst of the serene storm sat a steadfast spirit. Tranquil did the predator wait. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Tranquil Did The Predator Wait © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky

Bald Eagle

Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky While the background for this shot may be reminiscent of those eerie, shadowy curtains of charged particles from the sun [the aurora borealis], it is in reality not the dramatic light show at all. What follows is the story behind the making of the image: Across the wide and watery chasm of the expansive bay, white-headed entities idled tree-bound in the deafening, hushed stillness while greeting the somber light of dawn. That same light, cast from the forest and smeared subtly onto the liquid surface, created ephemeral impressions, mirrored reflections, and muted hues … Nature the artist, the lake its immense canvas. In time, a solitary Bald Eagle launched from its lofty lookout. Over the pigmented fluid it glided low, the backdrop redolent of a Northern Lights array. Suddenly the eagle performed an astounding aerial maneuver … and “Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky” came into existence. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky from the book, Wild North Idaho: Photos and Reflections © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Between Shadow and Light

Bald Eagle

Between Shadow and Light In the early fiery vibrant state of dawn, a Bald Eagle silently awaits a meal. It waited between shadow and light. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Between Shadow and Light © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – The Final Perspective

Bald Eagle

The Final Perspective The action was furious and moving like an out-of-control wildfire as the Bald Eagle bore down on the water’s surface. The thought of the final perspective [what this magnificent bird must have seen as it closed in on the salmon] flashed across my mind. After the catch, and when the intensity of the drama had passed, I grabbed a quick peek of the image in the camera monitor and mused at what seemed to me to be a double entendre, if not a bit of dark humor. Perhaps it was not so much what the Bald Eagle saw, but the final perspective certainly must reflect the last thing the fish saw! ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, The Final Perspective © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Poised In Pursuit

Bald Eagle

Poised In Pursuit The eagle fishing activity had been very sporadic that morning. Plenty of fish were along the water’s edge….just few takers. Over the top of me, from behind, a rush of wind through feathers and wings repercussioned the air. Out of seemingly nowhere the eagle appeared, banked in my direction, and abruptly turned away. It was all I could do to get the fast fading bird framed. Its back and tail were all that could be seen….a remnant of what visually was. Suddenly the bird wheeled again into the lens, dropped its tail and legs, raised the leading edge of its wings and poised frozen in a beautiful stall. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Poised In Pursuit © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Zeroed In

Bald Eagle

Zeroed In Concentrating on the fish below, the Bald Eagle zeroed in on its target. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Zeroed In © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – The Arrow

Bald Eagle

The Arrow The archer pulls the taut string aft and with it slides the narrow shaft. Notched in place does arrow wait to be released and reach its fate. The energy that is kept pent does now propel the weapon sent. When so done, flies it for sure. The arrow’s target won’t endure. ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, The Arrow © Jerry L. Ferrara from the book, Wild North Idaho: Season of the Eagle

Bald Eagle – Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky

Bald Eagle

Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky While the background for this shot may be reminiscent of those eerie, shadowy curtains of charged particles from the sun [the aurora borealis], it is in reality not the dramatic celestial light show at all but a reflection of the nearby forest on the lake’s glassy surface. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Sweep the Boreal Aurora Sky © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Dances With Fish

Bald Eagle

Dances With Fish Fleeting, ephemeral and transitory instances in Nature are thrilling to witness. Vision, however, is often challenged. To capture all of the precise aspects of an ephemeral moment with the eye alone is nearly impossible. An example of this is proffered here. A resplendent Bald Eagle is caught in a trice as it is about to seize a Kokanee Salmon. At the same time, the eagle’s watery likeness impersonates the predator’s reality. The bird and its “apparent partner” seem to be dancing around a precise locus, a pivot at a point in the prance where real and reflected are both in rhythmic lockstep, tripping the light fantastic in concert as they perform dances with fish … and the camera captured an elusive part of the deed in a wink of the eye.  ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Dances With Fish © Jerry L. Ferrara