Burrowing Owl – What Part Didn’t You Get?

Burrowing Owl

What Part Didn’t You Get? The impish look given by the juvenile Burrowing Owl was too much to resist. By sheer accident, I noticed the bird was attracted to the click of my camera’s shutter — opening and closing. Its body posture in this frame just said everything a person might wish to say to someone who is annoying. ~ Anecdote and Burrowing Owl capture, What Part Didn’t You Get? © Jerry L. Ferrara

Burrowing Owl – My Eye’s On Hoo? On Individualism

Burrowing Owl

My Eye’s On Hoo? On Individualism The Burrowing Owlet at center of the ménage strikes a different posture than its siblings. Is someone marching to a different beat? The image I have given title My Eye’s On Hoo? always conjures thoughts within me of the unorthodox, nonconformist and free-thinking individual. The little owl in the middle is symbolic of just that … its persona is independent. And so the metaphor inspires the verse On Individualism. On Individualism Sunder from the witless crowd or forever be absorbed. There may be strength in numbers, but Freedom is ignored. Peer pressure from collective minds dictate every day. And so the individual must go a separate way. ~ Burrowing Owl capture, My Eye’s On Hoo?, and verse, On Individualism, © Jerry L. Ferrara

Burrowing Owl – What Part Didn’t You Get?

Burrowing Owl

What Part Didn’t You Get? The impish look given by the juvenile Burrowing Owl was too much to resist. By sheer accident, I noticed the bird was attracted to the click of my camera’s shutter — opening and closing. Its body posture in this frame just said everything a person might wish to say to someone who is annoying. ~ Anecdote and Burrowing Owl capture, What Part Didn’t You Get? © Jerry L. Ferrara

Burrowing Owl – All Together

Burrowing Owl

All Together Forty-three years ago this coming Spring, I made this capture of a Burrowing Owl family on Kodachrome 64 film. While one of the adults [far left] took a much-deserved rest, the youngsters paused briefly in a rare moment of catching them all together. ~ Anecdote and Burrowing Owl family capture, All Together © Jerry L. Ferrara