Cedar Waxwing – Harvest

Cedar Waxwing

Harvest While photographing in North Idaho’s scenic Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, I encountered a flock of Cedar Waxwings along Myrtle Creek. Their distinctive trilling calls from the hedge rows were what first caught my attention and alerted me to their presence. Looking closer revealed they were harvesting the ripening choke cherries. In this capture, a waxwing had just gathered a fruit before gobbling it down.  ~ Anecdote and Cedar Waxwing capture, Harvest © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Cedar Waxwing – It Tossed Back Its Breakfast

Cedar Waxwint

It Tossed Back Its Breakfast They were hidden from view by the dense foliage, yet the flock of Cedar Waxwings’ high-trilling, soft murmurings came from seemingly everywhere in the fruit-laden chokecherry bushes. The gentle prattle amongst the birds were contact calls … the way members of a “bird herd” stay in touch with one another. Vocalizing was only temporarily interrupted for this Cedar Waxwing as it suddenly popped into view. Greedily it tossed back its breakfast. ~ Anecdote and Cedar Waxwing capture, It Tossed Back Its Breakfast © Jerry L. Ferrara