Coyote – A Predator’s Look


A Predator’s Look While my nose points the way to the vermin at bayMy ears will be found to hear every soundYet my eyes cannot hide my true feelings insideSo a predator’s look should not be mistook ~ Poem and Coyote capture, A Predator’s Look © Jerry L. Ferrara

Coyote – Eye On The Prize


Eye On The Prize While the wily Coyote had its eye on the prize, the crafty creature approached the elk carcass with an elevated degree of uncertainty and caution. There was good reason to be furtive. Other “things” were dining on the same cuisine. They were menacing entities that would certainly pose a mortal threat. Once the fare was reached, and the coast was clear, the work began. Tugging, pulling and wrestling with the remains, the determined canid finally achieved success … and off it absconded to safer ground. ~ Anecdote and Coyote capture, Eye On The Prize © Jerry L. Ferrara