Gray Wolf – Stare Down

Gray Wolf

Stare Down The female Gray Wolf was so incredibly beautiful as she gracefully loped across the sweep parallel to my position. I stood stock still while clicking off image after image, but periodically paused just to watch. It wasn’t long before things changed rapidly and the “lupine being” turned directly into my camera and lens. It was breathtaking! In the blink of an eye she had approached to about 16 feet, the closest I could focus with the lens being used. To my chagrin she wouldn’t look directly at me, but constantly surveyed both her sides and toward her back. Without warning the wolf pointed her nose downward and peered in my direction. The stare down was brief, with neither threat nor aggression implied, simply recognition. She then turned and ambled up and over the snow-mantled ridge and melted into the wild realm, like the spirit she was. ~ Anecdote and Gray Wolf capture, Stare Down © Jerry L. Ferrara

Gray Wolf – Stare Down

Gray Wolf

Stare Down It was incredible! The female wolf from the Agate pack just kept coming toward me. I literally had to back up to focus as she proceeded into the lens. And then she finally acknowledged my presence, putting her nose down to the snow and staring briefly into my universe. That acknowledgement was from a kindred spirit. No threat or aggression. A simple avowal of recognition. She was beautiful! ~ Anecdote and Gray Wolf capture, Stare Down © Jerry L. Ferrara.

Gray Wolf – Up On Snowy Ridge

Gray Wolf

Up On Snowy Ridge Up on Snowy Ridge, the wind is full of bite. Most creatures do not stir, so stay they out of sight. And well for them they do, amongst the stormy howl. For in the blustery murk, a presence there may prowl. It moves with stealth and purpose, but is it really there… a ghostly apparition, or just a false affair? Up on Snowy Ridge, the tempest meets demise. From the womb of Hell, a bold form does arise. Its aura full of skookum, though mankind finds great flaw. Yet wild things in wild places, live by sacred law. Up on Snowy Ridge, the untamed Gray Wolf waits. It stands for all that’s wild and free, will this remain its fate? …will wilderness abate? ~ Poem and Gray Wolf capture, Up On Snowy Ridge © Jerry L. Ferrara