Bengal Tiger – What You Don’t See

Bengal Tiger

What You Don’t See When in the wild, travel with careFor what you don’t see might give you a stareBut should you perceive that something is thereIt may cause shivers and nightmarish scares ~ Poem and Bengal Tiger capture, What You Don’t See © Jerry L. Ferrara, Kanha National Park, India

Bengal Tiger – A Refreshing, Cooling Embrace

Bengal Tiger

A Refreshing, Cooling Embrace The sun bore down on planet Earth and the torrid heat became oppressive in the Indian jungle. Creatures both large and small sought relief from the scorching midday temperature in a variety of ways. Some joined shade and became quiescent. Others visited waterholes and soaked in a refreshing, cooling embrace. Here, a Bengal Tiger lowered the temperature of its body core by immersing itself in a small, jungle pool. ~ Anecdote and Bengal Tiger capture, A Refreshing Cooling Embrace © Jerry L. Ferrara. Kanha National Park, India

Bengal Tiger – The Tiger’s Eye

Bengal Tiger

The Tiger’s Eye An eye that burns and steals the breath So lights the way to certain death It brings a fire to the night A cause to tremble deep in fright The Tiger’s eye is such a blaze Made by the hand of Holy Praise. ~ Poem and Bengal Tiger capture, The Tiger’s Eye © Jerry L. Ferrara. Kanha, India