Mule Deer/Sandhill Cranes – They’ve Got Us!

Mule Deer, Sandhill Cranes

They’ve Got Us! Lazily lounging in the early morning’s tranquility the Mule Deer herd leisurely ruminated and the moment was bucolic … but the scene was destined soon to change. With great fanfare a tumultuous flood of Sandhill Cranes boisterously blew in, shattering the peaceful setting and the startled deer herd came quickly to attention. “We’re surrounded!” one of the deer exclaimed. “They’ve got us!” The paranoic grass-eaters were thoroughly convinced that a re-enactment of Custer’s last stand was about to ensue. 😀 ~ Anecdote and Mule Deer/Sandhill Cranes capture, They’ve Got Us! © Jerry L. Ferrara

Mule Deer – Ladies of the Evening

Mule Deer

Ladies of the Evening Along the Missouri Breaks, a trio of Mule Deer doe leisurely strolled the rugged ridgeline at sundown. They were Ladies of the Evening set against a painted sky. ~ Anecdote and Mule Deer capture, Ladies of the Evening © Jerry L. Ferrara