Spotteed Towhee – A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance

Spotted Towhee

A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance The other day I came across this handsome male Spotted Towhee, an 8-inch long native New World sparrow. Preceding the encounter I heard it rummaging around in the duff under some bushes. When it popped out and up onto a nearby rock outcrop, it provided an ephemeral opportunity for making the portrait. It gave a quick crimson-eyed glance before briskly dashing away. ~ Anecdote and Spotted Towhee capture, A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance © Jerry L. Ferrara

Chestnut-backed Chickadee – The Gymnast

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

The Gymnast While testing and checking camera and lens combinations in preparation for an upcoming trip, I caught this Chestnut-backed Chickadee at the seed cylinder performing a ‘one-footed’ acrobatic stunt. The chickadee is quite the gymnast! ~ Anecdote and Chestnut-backed Chickadee, The Gymnast © Jerry L. Ferrara

Wild Turkey – Tom

Wild Turkey

Tom Caught this Tom turkey in a pose the other day with snow still on the ground. Time is moving forward and the light cycle is changing fast. ~ Anecdote and Wild Turkey capture, Tom © Jerry L. Ferrara

Moose – A Dynamic Harmonic


A Dynamic Harmonic Subtle came the morn as a magnificent pair of Moose gracefully marched the marsh. Dayspring, mist and overwhelmingly total silence all oscillated in a dynamic harmonic. ~ Anecdote and Moose capture, A Dynamic Harmonic © Jerry L. Ferrara from Wild North Idaho: Photos and Reflections

Bald Eagle – The Eye is Tight

Bald Eagle

The Eye is Tight The eye is tight on a landing spotWhile talons clutch and relinquish notAlight it will, the noble beastComes it to rest where it will feast ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, The Eye is Tight © Jerry L. Ferrara

White-crowned Sparrow – A Crest of White

White-crowned Sparrow

A Crest of White A crest of whiteMakes quite a sightFor a feathered crownAdds to the gown… of a White-crowned Sparrow’s garb ~ Poem and White-crowned Sparrow capture, A Crest of White © Jerry L. Ferrara

Moose – Peekaboo!


Peekaboo! Peekaboo!I do see youI don’t think you see meAs big as II don’t see whyHow silly can you be? ~ Poem and Moose capture, Peekaboo! © Jerry L. Ferrara

Great Horned Owl – The Feathered Fierceness

Great Horned Owl

The Feathered Fierceness  On the marge of an island forest, a predator does waitIts very essence proves mal-intent, its goal is but to sateAnd so the ‘feathered fierceness’ does patiently abideWaits it for those who unaware come forth from where they hide ~ Poem and Great Horned Owl capture, The Feathered Fierceness © Jerry L. Ferrara