A Burst Of Glory The speed of the undertaking was nothing less than meteoric as the feathered creature plummeted from the open sky toward a languishing, scaly target fixed isolated on the lake’s somber veneer. At death’s door, with its spawning role complete, the Kokanee Salmon held little life in its weary, spent body … for it, passing on would be a blessing. And so it was as the Bald Eagle’s steely talons hit the water’s surface with a violent force, grasping the dying fish and sending a mountain of moisture into the air. As the mighty predator’s momentum carried it forward, it surged heavenward on grandiose outstretched wings. What trailed behind was a burst of glory. From far above a sky-bound beast so rockets swiftly to the feast.
As talons break the waterline they seize the flesh that’s gone supine. The eagle clutches matter gory but leaves behind a burst of glory. ~ Anecdote, poem and Bald Eagle capture, A Burst of Glory © Jerry L. Ferrara