Brown Creeper – Elfin and Inconspicuous

Brown Creeper

Elfin and Inconspicuous An elfin and inconspicuous Brown Creeper pauses briefly while foraging. The tiny avian is a native to our local Idaho forests. ~ Anecdote and Brown Creeper capture, Elfin and Inconspicuous © Jerry L. Ferrara

Eastern Kingbird – Intrepid Traveler

Eastern Kingbird

Intrepid Traveler The Eastern Kingbird has been a regular visitor to our North Idaho environs ever since I can remember, yet only in spring and summer. Cornell University’s Lab of Ornithology indicates this intrepid traveler spends its winters in South America journeying from as far north as Canada’s Northwest Territories. That’s quite a range! I caught this one staging to catch insects from a wire fence next to a pasture close to my home last summer. ~ Anecdote and Eastern Kingbird capture, Intrepid Traveler © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – Against a Torrid Sky


Against a Torrid Sky Late in the day a lone Osprey sits at its nest silhouetted against a torrid sky. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Against a Torrid Sky © Jerry L. Ferrara

Black Tern – The Wind Dancer

Black Tern

The Wind Dancer Every time I see a Black Tern in flight I think, “There goes the wind dancer.” Handsome and elegant little creatures of freshwater marshes, their distinctive “kek-kek-kek” call is a harbinger of spring. They arrive, breed, rear their young and just as suddenly as they appear, they vanish. Their journey takes them back to the wetlands of Mexico and Central America for the winter.  My first attempts at photographing Black Terns in flight proved a daunting task. Their aerial patterns are anything but linear and predictable. Erratic is more the rule, or maybe an unchoreographed, free-style dance would be a better description.  I caught this one in mid-ethereal flight as it danced across the wind.  ~ Anecdote and Black Tern capture, The Wind Dancer © Jerry L. Ferrara

Belted Kingfisher – Two Belts

Belted Kingfisher

Two Belts For this Belted Kingfisher, two belts [one rust-brown, one blue-gray] mean the creature is a female. The male counterpart has but one blue-gray belt. This female happened to be making the rounds early one morning when I caught her perched atop a bush. Suddenly she opened her stiletto-style beak and gave out the species’ raucous, clattery call. The hushed morning air was rocked!  ~ Anecdote and Belted Kingfisher capture, Two Belts © Jerry L. Ferrara

White-tailed Deer – Running

White-tailed Deer

Running It was very late in the day. Harsh shadows had retired and a coolness permeated the air. It was time to play. That’s exactly what a White-tailed Deer fawn was doing as it enthusiastically dashed before my camera and lens, seemingly running for the pure pleasure of running.  The caper was caught quickly as the youthful creature bolted by. ~ Anecdote and White-tailed Deer capture, Running © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Osprey – Focused On The Prize


Focused On The Prize I have many images of Osprey pulling fish from the ‘darkling drink’ as well as flying with their catch held tenaciously in talon. I chose to present something a bit different today. This one highlights a micro-moment just before hitting the water. Plunging toward its prey, the fish hawk was intently focused on the prize. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Focused On The Prize © Jerry L. Ferrara

Scenic – A Single Tree

Palouse Scenic

A Single Tree Across the open wide expanse a single tree does strike a stance. In its solitary pose
 a statement of the self it shows. The individual stands alone,
 it will never be dethroned. For in conviction dwells its strength, to carry on at such great length. Just be sure to understand
 a price is paid to bear this brand. The quality of self-reliance
 oft requires great defiance.
 Go alone who stand as one
 and fight until the battle’s done. So independents need to be,
 to offer hope to the collective sea. Across the open wide expanse
 a single tree does strike a stance. ~ Poem and Scenic capture, A Single Tree © Jerry L. Ferrara. A view of the Scenic Palouse 

Yellow Warbler – On A Spree

Yellow Warbler

On A Spree A flash of yellow from alder tree betrays a presence … what could it be? There one moment, then it’s gone. The furtive spirit lasts not long.
It sings a melody so bright,
a stream of notes from such a sprite. The pleasing chords tell who you be: A Yellow Warbler on a spree! ~ Poem and Yellow Warbler capture, On A Spree © Jerry L. Ferrara