Osprey – Focused On The Prize


Focused On The Prize I have many images of Osprey pulling fish from the ‘darkling drink’ as well as flying with their catch held tenaciously in talon. I chose to present something a bit different today. This one highlights a micro-moment just before hitting the water. Plunging toward its prey, the fish hawk was intently focused on the prize. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Focused On The Prize © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – Shedding Water


Shedding Water During its power dive into the lake, the Osprey missed its target, the fish. Coming up empty, the hawk climbed skyward from the liquid surface. Suddenly it sharply shook its waterlogged body sending a substantial spray of moisture into the atmosphere. It was shedding water. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Shedding Water © Jerry L. Ferrara

Fish Hawk [Osprey] – The Shake

Fish Hawk [Osprey]

The Shake Grasping its recently snared prey, a Fish Hawk [Osprey] rises aloft. In one brief moment, the drenched predator seemingly pauses in midair and employs a tactic to shed its feathers of water acquired during the dive. The shake sends a spray of fluid in all directions. ~ Anecdote and Fish Hawk [Osprey] capture, The Shake © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – The Incoming Meal


The Incoming Meal As a gift-bearing male Osprey returns to the nest, his female counterpart intently eyes the incoming meal … an exercise in courtship feeding. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, The Incoming Meal © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – Suspended


Suspended Suspended in midair against a cerulean sky, an Osprey’s attention is solidly gripped by the potential of a scaly meal swimming just below the lake’s murky surface. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Suspended © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – To Build A Home


To Build A Home Those of us who make our home in and around the beauty of North Idaho, and particularly near the watery environs of the awesome Pend Oreille, have the privilege of sharing this magnificent part of the planet with a most interesting, part-time local resident known variously as the Osprey, Fish Hawk or Pandion haliaetus. Globally cosmopolitan, the Fish Hawk is a true international entity for the Osprey nation inhabits all continents but one, that being Antarctica. When they return annually to our locale, generally from parts south, they industriously engage themselves in the duty of nest construction for to build a home is a major investment … the pivotal point from which they create, maintain, and nuture their kind … their future … their destiny.  ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, To Build A Home © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – Spoils In Talon


Spoils In Talon After diving into the water, the Osprey was having a bit of difficulty releasing itself from the lake’s grasp. Suddenly it popped from the fluid surface and off it labored, clutching its spoils in talon. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Spoils In Talon © Jerry L. Ferrara

Osprey – Shedding Water


Shedding Water During its power dive into the lake, the Osprey missed its target, the fish. Coming up empty, the hawk climbed skyward from the liquid surface. Suddenly it sharply shook its waterlogged body sending a substantial spray of moisture into the atmosphere. It was shedding water. ~ Anecdote and Osprey capture, Shedding Water © Jerry L. Ferrara