Red-winged Blackbird – Its Raucous Voice

Red-winged Blackbird

Its Raucous Voice The resplendent riparian habitat was saliently dense and the hidden creek within its confines spoke softly in unending murmuring susurrations. In one alluring moment an ebullient entity spontaneously exploded onto the scene in the configuration of a Red-winged Blackbird. Though brief, the handsome avian’s appearance was impressive as its raucous voice tore the tranquil setting to shreds. ~ Anecdote and Red-winged Blackbird capture, Its Raucous Voice © Jerry L. Ferrara

Red-winged Blackbird – Icterid Voices

Red-winged Blackbird

Icterid Voices Spring quickens in the vernal marsh Guttural, gurgling Icterid voices broadcast far and wide Challengers tear at the tranquility Scarlet epaulettes flare like glowing embers Imperceptible boundaries are drawn Dominions declared The propertied are set to arouse the feminine gender … soon to arrive ~ Poem and Red-winged Blackbird capture, Icterid Voices © Jerry L. Ferrara