Spotteed Towhee – A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance

Spotted Towhee

A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance The other day I came across this handsome male Spotted Towhee, an 8-inch long native New World sparrow. Preceding the encounter I heard it rummaging around in the duff under some bushes. When it popped out and up onto a nearby rock outcrop, it provided an ephemeral opportunity for making the portrait. It gave a quick crimson-eyed glance before briskly dashing away. ~ Anecdote and Spotted Towhee capture, A Quick Crimson-eyed Glance © Jerry L. Ferrara

Burchell’s Zebra and Spotted Hyena – The Fighter 

Burchell's Zebra and Spotted Hyewna

The Fighter It was a titanic battle with Death, and Life fiercely fought back … but it was only a matter of time.  Intensively the Burchell’s Zebra struggled to keep up with its herd. It had just survived a lion attack, and that encounter had left the zebra disemboweled. As its strength wearily waned a Spotted Hyena clan’s relentless bedevilments became bolder and bolder.  What ensued was a battle of will that reached tsunami proportions. Repeatedly the hyenas charged. Again and again the zebra met each assault with its sharp hooves flying. The fracas continued for what seemed an eternity.  In the final moments of its life, the zebra stood stalwart and defiantly faced its assailants. Then the opportunists closed in and down went the equid. There was rending of flesh, fast whoop calls and a confusing obfuscation of view as mortality was consummated. In the end the fighter was vanquished yet one aspect of the striped horse could not be diminished. Its dauntless spirit lives and still wanders the vast expanses of the enigmatic Mara.  ~ Anecdote and Burchell’s Zebra and Spotted Hyena capture, The Fighter © Jerry L. Ferrara, Kenya.

Mule Deer/Sandhill Cranes – They’ve Got Us!

Mule Deer, Sandhill Cranes

They’ve Got Us! Lazily lounging in the early morning’s tranquility the Mule Deer herd leisurely ruminated and the moment was bucolic … but the scene was destined soon to change. With great fanfare a tumultuous flood of Sandhill Cranes boisterously blew in, shattering the peaceful setting and the startled deer herd came quickly to attention. “We’re surrounded!” one of the deer exclaimed. “They’ve got us!” The paranoic grass-eaters were thoroughly convinced that a re-enactment of Custer’s last stand was about to ensue. 😀 ~ Anecdote and Mule Deer/Sandhill Cranes capture, They’ve Got Us! © Jerry L. Ferrara

Timber Wolf – The Lonely Lament

Timber Wolf

The Lonely Lament The snow blew in abusively powerful buffeting waves. At times visibility was reduced to a mere few feet and the melancholy moan of the wind set a terrifying tenor that chilled to the core of the soul. Or was the wail the wind? Perhaps. Perhaps not. As the misty murk thinned, the author of the lonely lament was gradually revealed. A Timber Wolf stood idly in the ice-crystalled landscaped and gave a sonorous serenade to the open expanse … its voice was the definitive signature of wilderness. ~ Anecdote and Timber Wolf capture, The Lonely Lament © Jerry L. Ferrara

Chestnut-backed Chickadee – The Gymnast

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

The Gymnast While testing and checking camera and lens combinations in preparation for an upcoming trip, I caught this Chestnut-backed Chickadee at the seed cylinder performing a ‘one-footed’ acrobatic stunt. The chickadee is quite the gymnast! ~ Anecdote and Chestnut-backed Chickadee, The Gymnast © Jerry L. Ferrara

Wild Turkey – Tom

Wild Turkey

Tom Caught this Tom turkey in a pose the other day with snow still on the ground. Time is moving forward and the light cycle is changing fast. ~ Anecdote and Wild Turkey capture, Tom © Jerry L. Ferrara

Steller’s Sea Eagle – Having A Bite

Steller's Sea Eagle

Having A Bite A Steller’s Sea Eagle puts on a displayRipping and tearing and rending its preyProdigious those chunks of flesh there might beEach morsel a measure that adds entropy ~ Poem and Steller’s Sea Eagle capture, Having A Bite © Jerry L. Ferrara … near the Strait of Nemuro, Japan

Moose – A Dynamic Harmonic


A Dynamic Harmonic Subtle came the morn as a magnificent pair of Moose gracefully marched the marsh. Dayspring, mist and overwhelmingly total silence all oscillated in a dynamic harmonic. ~ Anecdote and Moose capture, A Dynamic Harmonic © Jerry L. Ferrara from Wild North Idaho: Photos and Reflections

Bald Eagle – The Eye is Tight

Bald Eagle

The Eye is Tight The eye is tight on a landing spotWhile talons clutch and relinquish notAlight it will, the noble beastComes it to rest where it will feast ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, The Eye is Tight © Jerry L. Ferrara

Jaguar – Claw and Fang


Claw and Fang The jungle held deep secrets From emptiness they rang Hidden in the shadows, yet, one came as claw and fang It blended into nowhere
It moved with stealth and grace Its orbs set forth a death stare and safety found no place The jungle held deep secrets It whispered them so soft So when they came to be, yet, too late it seemed so oft ~ Poem and Jaguar capture, Claw and Fang © Jerry L. Ferrara. Image created in Brazil’s vast and enigmatic Pantanal.