Red-necked Grebe – The Double Goer

Red-necked Greebe

The Double Goer Circumstances turned out to be nearly perfect one very early morning within the haunts of the diving bird species known as the Red-necked Grebe. This one suddenly turned in its watery path and the incidence of light unexpectedly created a doppelganger effect … The Double Goer. ~ Anecdote and Red-necked Grebe capture, The Double Goer © Jerry L. Ferrara

Red-winged Blackbird – Its Raucous Voice

Red-winged Blackbird

Its Raucous Voice The resplendent riparian habitat was saliently dense and the hidden creek within its confines spoke softly in unending murmuring susurrations. In one alluring moment an ebullient entity spontaneously exploded onto the scene in the configuration of a Red-winged Blackbird. Though brief, the handsome avian’s appearance was impressive as its raucous voice tore the tranquil setting to shreds. ~ Anecdote and Red-winged Blackbird capture, Its Raucous Voice © Jerry L. Ferrara

Fence Lizard – Sitting On The Fence

Fence Lizard

Sitting On The Fence A Fence Lizard pauses briefly in an indecisive moment of ‘stay or flee.’ It didn’t take the spiny reptile long to choose the latter and it terminated its ‘sitting on the fence’ behavior. ~ Anecdote and Fence Lizard capture, Sitting On The Fence © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bobcat – Fiercely Focused


Fiercely Focused A tense moment is captured as a Bobcat assumes a fiercely focused freeze-posture just before the pounce. ~ Anecdote and Bobcat capture, Fiercely Focused © Jerry L. Ferrara

California Quail – The Bird That Laughs 

California Quail

The Bird That Laughs The ambient light was muted and fading fast. Its softness gently caressed everything the eye drank. In the dim-lit setting, a chunky creature scooted quickly on rapidly moving feet across the open terrain and then exploded into a powerful but short flight that brought it to rest at the top of an ancient fence post. Throwing back its handsome head, the California Quail called out “ha-HA-ha”…and the bird that laughs’ voice rolled across the Palouse.  ~ Anecdote and California Quail capture, The Bird That Laughs © Jerry L. Ferrara

King Penguin – A King 

King Penguin

A King The Antarctic wind gusts the shore and as it does it sings
A host of creatures, from the water, in gullets krill they bring Upon the land they waddle awkward, their gait not quite in swingNone the less this noble penguin is known to be a king A portrait made of a King Penguin as it returned to shore, South Georgia Island. ~ Poem and King Penguin capture, A King © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Solar Eclipse 4.8.24 – Fire On The Fringe

Solar Eclipse 4.8.24

Fire On The Fringe A closer look at the 4/8/24 total solar eclipse showing solar prominences extending into the inner corona. It seemed there was fire on the fringe. ~ Anecdote and 4/8/24 solar eclipse capture, Fire On The Fringe © Jerry L. Ferrara

Fish Hawk [Osprey] – The Shake

Fish Hawk [Osprey]

The Shake Grasping its recently snared prey, a Fish Hawk [Osprey] rises aloft. In one brief moment, the drenched predator seemingly pauses in midair and employs a tactic to shed its feathers of water acquired during the dive. The shake sends a spray of fluid in all directions. ~ Anecdote and Fish Hawk [Osprey] capture, The Shake © Jerry L. Ferrara

Northern Elephant Seals – Combat

Northern Elephant Seals

Combat Along the sandy California seashore a pair of bellicose bull Northern Elephant Seals face off in combat. ~ Anecdote and Northern Elephant Seals capture, Combat © Jerry L. Ferrara