Palamedes Swallowtail Butterfly – A Tool For Nectaring

Palamedes Swallowtail Butterfly

A Tool For Nectaring In the mysterious, if not uncanny, environs of the Big Thicket National Preserve, a Palamedes Swallowtail Butterfly probes a thistle plant with its prodigiously elongated proboscis. The outrageous sucking device is a highly effective adaptation for bringing the plant’s ambrosia to the insect … a tool for nectaring. ~ Anecdote and Palamedes Swallowtail Butterfly capture, A Tool For Nectaring © Jerry L. Ferrara

Red-bellied Woodpecker – Something Stashed Away

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Something Stashed Away For some time she had been working diligently hammering away at the decaying tree bark, employing her formidable bill, wood shavings flying everywhere. At first I thought the Red-bellied Woodpecker was searching for insect larvae secreted away in the woody framework. But then she pulled out a nut [acorn or hickory] … something stashed away. ~ Anecdote and Red-bellied Woodpecker capture, Something Stashed Away © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bengal Tiger – A Refreshing, Cooling Embrace

Bengal Tiger

A Refreshing, Cooling Embrace The sun bore down on planet Earth and the torrid heat became oppressive in the Indian jungle. Creatures both large and small sought relief from the scorching midday temperature in a variety of ways. Some joined shade and became quiescent. Others visited waterholes and soaked in a refreshing, cooling embrace. Here, a Bengal Tiger lowered the temperature of its body core by immersing itself in a small, jungle pool. ~ Anecdote and Bengal Tiger capture, A Refreshing Cooling Embrace © Jerry L. Ferrara. Kanha National Park, India

Sandhill Cranes – Fire in the Sky

Sandhill Cranes

Fire in the Sky It was an incredible, early-evening Nebraskan sky rich with fury as angry storm clouds occluded the earth’s blazing engine. While the sun unhurriedly progressed toward the horizon, the clouds lit up like a raging inferno and it appeared as though there was fire in the sky. At one critical moment, a flock of Sandhill Cranes graced their way through the tempestuous heavens. ~ Anecdote and Sandhill Cranes capture, Fire in the Sky © Jerry L. Ferrara

Snowy Owl – When The Snow Flies

Snowy Owl

When The Snow Flies Pan, who brings much chaos when quiet shapes flow ‘cross the land … Fly by across the sky Feathers flail in noiseless gale Wings fling but do not sing Eyes pry while they descry … when the snow flies Like a wraith of vapor, a Snowy Owl strikes a stunning figure in the unadorned winter sky. ~ Poem, anecdote and Snowy Owl capture, When The Snow Flies © Jerry L. Ferrara

Tree Swallow – Feather Maintenance

Tree Swallow

Feather Maintenance Preening is an important aspect of feather maintenance. In the capture, a male Tree Swallow [one of our native bird species] runs a flight feather through its beak during the act of feather grooming. By doing so, the swallow is more than likely anointing the plume with oil from its uropygial gland [oil gland] or it may be simply re-conforming the feather’s structure … or both. ~ Anecdote and Tree Swallow capture, Feather Maintenance © Jerry L. Ferrara

Timber Wolf – The Chill of the Setting

Timber Wolf

The Chill of the Setting I was glad I had covered the equipment and myself with rain/snow gear before setting out that bleak morning. It wasn’t anywhere near ‘sunny f16’ conditions as the monochromatic snowstorm thickened, swirled and raked the rimy sweep and yet the Timber Wolf remained tightly curled up and resting. Nothing to do but wait. Without announcement or fanfare, the canine rose, stretched and hurled its voice into the thickened atmosphere. The long, haunting call reflected the chill of the setting. ~ Anecdote and Timber Wolf capture, The Chill of the Setting © Jerry L. Ferrara

Cedar Waxwing – Harvest

Cedar Waxwing

Harvest While photographing in North Idaho’s scenic Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge, I encountered a flock of Cedar Waxwings along Myrtle Creek. Their distinctive trilling calls from the hedge rows were what first caught my attention and alerted me to their presence. Looking closer revealed they were harvesting the ripening choke cherries. In this capture, a waxwing had just gathered a fruit before gobbling it down.  ~ Anecdote and Cedar Waxwing capture, Harvest © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Burrowing Owl – My Eye’s On Hoo? On Individualism

Burrowing Owl

My Eye’s On Hoo? On Individualism The Burrowing Owlet at center of the ménage strikes a different posture than its siblings. Is someone marching to a different beat? The image I have given title My Eye’s On Hoo? always conjures thoughts within me of the unorthodox, nonconformist and free-thinking individual. The little owl in the middle is symbolic of just that … its persona is independent. And so the metaphor inspires the verse On Individualism. On Individualism Sunder from the witless crowd or forever be absorbed. There may be strength in numbers, but Freedom is ignored. Peer pressure from collective minds dictate every day. And so the individual must go a separate way. ~ Burrowing Owl capture, My Eye’s On Hoo?, and verse, On Individualism, © Jerry L. Ferrara