Ural Owl – The Sleepy Owl

Ural Owl

The Sleepy Owl In the silent forest deep a Ural Owl does gently sleep. And just before the waking dawn, the sleepy owl does give a yawn. Wake up! Wake up! O sleepy bird, you’re missing what the others heard. For a raven’s voice does speak of furry creatures by the creek. So if you’re quick to take the chance and let your feathers dance the dance toward the high-pitched squeaks and squeals, there may be a mousy meal. Wait too long and you will see the rodent kind will quickly flee. Perhaps this fact you do but know, so back to sleep you quickly go. ~ Ural Owl, from a remote location in a deciduous forest on the island of Hokkaido, Japan. Poem and Ural Owl capture, The Sleepy Owl © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Sandhill Cranes – A Company of Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

A Company of Cranes I had arrived early in the chilly pre-dawn morning to try to capture Sandhill Cranes blasting off from one of their evening roost sites on the Platte River. No such luck was afforded, for the stately birds flew out before sunlight supported my goal. Standing in the dim light I just watched in awe as the beauty of this ancient process played out … deeply appreciative to be able to witness such a stunning behavior. Suddenly I realized a company of cranes were on a flight pattern nearing an almost full moon.   ~ Anecdote and Sandhill Cranes capture, A Company of Cranes © Jerry L. Ferrara

Elephant Seal – Feliz Año Nuevo

Feliz Año Nuevo

Feliz Año Nuevo I meant to post this yesterday, but ran out of time. I recorded this bull Elephant Seal many years ago at Año Nuevo State Park. It was made on Kodachrome 64 film. The “big fella” had been trumpeting. He then raised up, gave one look and plopped back down into slumber. Feliz Año Nuevo. ~ Anecdote and Elephant Seal capture, Feliz Año Nuevo © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Take-out

Bald Eagle

Take-out Much of the time the Bald Eagle carries its prey by its talons, but in this case it chose an alternate method and its “take-out” was conveyed by mouth. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Take-out © Jerry L. Ferrara

Black Tern – The Wind Dancer

Black Tern

The Wind Dancer Handsome and elegant come to mind when I see the Black Tern. Little creatures of freshwater marshes, their distinctive call is a harbinger of late spring. They arrive, breed, rear their young and just as suddenly as they appear, they vanish. Their journey takes them to the wetlands of Mexico and Central America for the winter. When I first tried capturing Black Terns as images, it proved a daunting task. Their flight patterns are anything but linear and predictable. Erratic is more the rule, or maybe an unchoreographed free-style dance would be a more fitting description. I caught this one in mid-ethereal flight as it danced across the wind. ~ Anecdote and Black Tern capture, The Wind Dancer © Jerry L. Ferrara

Black-tailed Prairie Dog – All’s Well

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

All’s Well Furtively, the Black-tailed Prairie Dog exited its underground abode. Sitting soberly on the raised earthen mound surrounding its tunnel entrance, the spunky rodent surveyed the nearby landscape. Then, without foretelling, the prairie ground squirrel launched skyward and gave a “whee-oo” shout … “all’s well”. ~ Anecdote and Black-tailed Prairie Dog capture, All’s Well © Jerry L. Ferrara

Red-tailed Hawk – On A Chilly Winter’s Morn

Red-tailed Hawk

On A Chilly Winter’s Morn On a chilly winter’s morn, silence thundered through the surrounding pastoral fabric and a regal raptor rested upon an ancient wooden fence post. Wing, body and tail feathers spread, the Red-tailed Hawk trapped its body heat in the insulating layers of its plumage. ~ Anecdote and Red-tailed Hawk capture image, On A Chilly Winter’s Morn © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Wings Aloft

Bald Eagle

Wings Aloft Feathers spread with grace divine Wings aloft by Grand Design ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, Wings Aloft © Jerry L. Ferrara

Moose – Across The Tranquil Marsh


Across The Tranquil Marsh On a brisk autumn morning, as the sun burned off the brume, a pair of Moose casually made their way across the tranquil marsh. ~ Anecdote and Moose capture, Across The Tranquil Marsh © Jerry L. Ferrara