Puma – A Fixed Gaze
A Fixed Gaze In the wilds of Chile, a Puma levels a fixed gaze while pausing over its prey … a hapless Guanaco. ~ Anecdote and Puma capture, A Fixed Gaze © Jerry L. Ferrara
A Fixed Gaze In the wilds of Chile, a Puma levels a fixed gaze while pausing over its prey … a hapless Guanaco. ~ Anecdote and Puma capture, A Fixed Gaze © Jerry L. Ferrara
Stare Down It was incredible! The female wolf from the Agate pack just kept coming toward me. I literally had to back up to focus as she proceeded into the lens. And then she finally acknowledged my presence, putting her nose down to the snow and staring briefly into my universe. That acknowledgement was from a kindred spirit. No threat or aggression. A simple avowal of recognition. She was beautiful! ~ Anecdote and Gray Wolf capture, Stare Down © Jerry L. Ferrara.
Rockhopper Penguin On New Island in the West Falklands, a Rockhopper Penguin strikes a pose. ~ Anecdote and Rockhopper Penguin capture, Rockhopper Penguin © Jerry L. Ferrara
What Part Didn’t You Get? The impish look given by the juvenile Burrowing Owl was too much to resist. By sheer accident, I noticed the bird was attracted to the click of my camera’s shutter — opening and closing. Its body posture in this frame just said everything a person might wish to say to someone who is annoying. ~ Anecdote and Burrowing Owl capture, What Part Didn’t You Get? © Jerry L. Ferrara
A Feathered Despot Though my stature be quite slight, strength makes me a mighty sprite. All the world must realize, power is not judged by size. I ambush and I use surprise, so from this scheme success derives. Merciless when I predate, victims find oft it’s too late. In the open at my job, that’s why I am sometimes mobbed. I take the last in casual stride, for not all aggravants will hide. So, you beware small birds in strife, this feathered despot’s not so nice. Beasties you have much to fear, when this pygmy owl draws near. ~ Poem and Northern Pygmy Owl image, A Feathered Despot © Jerry L. Ferrara
There Comes A Call Listen to fall, there comes a call The voice does tell of coming hell Where titans clash and landscapes thrash The winner’s fate, the claim to mate ~ Poem and Rocky Mountain Elk capture, There Comes A Call © Jerry L. Ferrara
Getting Down To Business A pair of bull Rocky Mountain Elk square off during the rut. They were getting down to business. ~ Anecdote and Rocky Mountain Elk capture, Getting Down To Business © Jerry L. Ferrara
Caught Red-handed I discovered this little moocher [an American Red Squirrel and a native species of tree squirrel] pilfering cherries from one of our trees. It was caught red-handed. ~ Anecdote and American Red Squirrel capture, Caught Red-handed © Jerry L. Ferrara
The Stalk The cat had been sitting quietly for hours. Sometimes it closed its piercing yellow orbs and slept the sleep of felines … appearing to doze off but remaining perfectly conscious of its immediate surroundings. When the Guanaco herd unknowingly ambled up the hillside in front of the waiting Puma, the tawny creature came alive employing the deathly technique of the stalk. And so the ambush began. ~ Anecdote and Puma capture, The Stalk © Jerry L. Ferrara
A Snow-White Drape a milky ‘scape a snow-white drape a cunning ruse effect Reynard moves swift through icy drifts so little to detect … its prey just won’t suspect ~ Poem and Arctic Fox capture, A Snow-White Drape © Jerry L. Ferrara