Snowy Owl – When The Snow Flies

Snowy Owl

When The Snow Flies Pan, who brings much chaos when quiet shapes flow ‘cross the land … Fly by across the sky Feathers flail in noiseless gale Wings fling but do not sing Eyes pry while they descry … when the snow flies Like a wraith of vapor, a Snowy Owl strikes a stunning figure in the unadorned winter sky. ~ Poem, anecdote and Snowy Owl capture, When The Snow Flies © Jerry L. Ferrara

Snowy Owl and Ravens – The Mob

Snowy Owl and Ravens

The Mob The Snowy Owl was simply attempting to rest after its arduous journey from the far north when it was discovered by a band of raucous Ravens. Remaining still, the stoic owl endured the rude treatment dished out by the discourteous corvids. The latter’s goal was to harass the owl away. Unable to coerce the predator to leave, the mob soon gave up its folly. The snowy creature’s strategy worked. ~ Anecdote and Snowy Owl and Ravens capture, The Mob © Jerry L. Ferrara

Snowy Owl – Snowy

Snowy Owl

Snowy Eyes that peer so straight ahead Seem to play inside my head Move I from side-to-side to see Those orbs do follow creepily Seems to be a strange illusion Certainly does cause confusion ~ Poem and Snowy Owl capture, Snowy © Jerry L. Ferrara