Bald Eagle – Independence

Bald Eagle

Happy Fourth of July 2022! Independence A firm, fixed and steady eye is leveled by the Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus, as the stunning raptor thunders through the firmament. Power, strength, conviction and independence are its hallmark. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, Independence © Jerry L. Ferrara, from the book, Wild North Idaho: Season of the Eagle.

Bald Eagle – A Visual Echo

Bald Eagle

A Visual Echo The morning air was brisk and a chilling frost painted the lake’s margin. The light was murky for the sun had not yet peeked over the horizon. In the midst of the somber setting a resplendent Bald Eagle sat contemplatively on a log at water’s edge. As if a curtain had been raised at the opening act of a play, up came the sun and its illumination washed away the dimness. A muted radiance poured into the landscape and the shady “shallows” grabbed the light. Mirrored on the water’s face was a visual echo. ~ Anecdote and Bald Eagle capture, A Visual Echo © Jerry L. Ferrara

Bald Eagle – Perfection’s Never Bought

Bald Eagle

Perfection’s Never Bought To make a score requires more than aptitude and skill. A master knows, results will show from practice and great will. To dance the sky as eagles ply and snare a fish on wing, demonstrates what practice makes: rehearse is everything. Yet when a feat becomes complete and done without a thought, a master’s guess is not to rest, perfection’s never bought. ~ Poem and Bald Eagle capture, Perfection’s Never Bought © Jerry L. Ferrara, from the book, Wild North Idaho: Season of the Eagle

White-tailed Deer, Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, Bald Eagle, American Crow, Northern Flicker, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Black-capped Chickadee, Moose, Rain Drops/Tree Branch, Scenics, Sundown, Idaho Wildlife/Nature Images – State-of-the-Art Z9

State-of-the-Art Z9 On December 24th, 2021, I was pleased to receive my copy of the much anticipated state-of-the-art Nikon Z9 mirrorless camera, the manufacturer’s newest flagship “image-making machine”. Over the days following receipt I’ve configured and worked with the instrument, often during challenging lighting and environmental conditions [temps ranging from 7º to 14º F, contrasty as well as low light levels and rain/snow storms. While I haven’t yet come close to tapping the full capacity of the camera’s features, it is proving to be an outstanding product and tool. Kudos, Nikon! ~ Anecdote and Idaho Wildlife/Nature images, State-of-the-Art Z9 © Jerry L. Ferrara