Brown Creeper – Elfin and Inconspicuous

Brown Creeper

Elfin and Inconspicuous An elfin and inconspicuous Brown Creeper pauses briefly while foraging. The tiny avian is a native to our local Idaho forests. ~ Anecdote and Brown Creeper capture, Elfin and Inconspicuous © Jerry L. Ferrara

Brown Creeper – The Creeper’s Way

Brown Creeper

The Creeper’s Way Lives it in the forest green Oft there does it go unseen Cryptic be its outer wear So it blends in to nowhere Curved beak to probe for insect prey A tail that’s long and helps it stay Up or down along a tree It mocks the force of gravity Inch by inch it creeps along While it gives its high-pitched song Odd behavior some would say Yet it’s but the Creeper’s way The Brown Creeper is an unobtrusive, infrequently observed North American songbird. I caught this one in our yard as it investigated the tree trunk for spiders and insects. Notice how its feather colors match the tree’s surface. ~ Poem, anecdote and Brown Creeper capture, The Creeper’s Way © Jerry L. Ferrara