Raccoon – What’s Behind The Mask?


What’s Behind The Mask? What’s behind the mask? It’s funny you should ask Does it help your sight
in the dark of night?
Or hide what some could see–a face that mischief be? So pales the cryptic ruse Those eyes do not excuse A case of devilment The mask does complement ~ Poem and Raccoon capture, What’s Behind The Mask? © Jerry L. Ferrara 

Raccoon – Little Devil


Little Devil The cherries are ripening and we’re getting lots of help with the harvest. This “little devil” was well sated! ~ Anecdote and Raccoon capture, Little Devil © Jerry L. Ferrara

Raccoon – Mr. Mischief


Mr. Mischief Mr. Mischief, where have you been? Have your deeds been full of sin? Give you a look that says, “Not me!” Those beady eyes belie … “We’ll see!” Deep within your genetic soul Lies a phenotype that’s droll You may think that mask you wear Covers all the wrong you dare Fooled not we by your winsome pose For Mr. Mischief … you’ve been exposed. ~ Poem and Raccoon capture, Mr. Mischief © Jerry L. Ferrara