White-crowned Sparrow – A Crest of White
A Crest of White A crest of whiteMakes quite a sightFor a feathered crownAdds to the gown… of a White-crowned Sparrow’s garb ~ Poem and White-crowned Sparrow capture, A Crest of White © Jerry L. Ferrara
A Crest of White A crest of whiteMakes quite a sightFor a feathered crownAdds to the gown… of a White-crowned Sparrow’s garb ~ Poem and White-crowned Sparrow capture, A Crest of White © Jerry L. Ferrara
And A Puma Feasted Death visited the Patagonian wildlands in the darkness of pre-morn. Its tenebrous intent was as shadowy as the gloom it traversed, and it moved with a resolute purpose. Death’s mission was to release a soul. And so, in the wee hours of dayspring, Death set free a Guanaco’s spirit and a Puma feasted. ~ Anecdote and Puma capture, And A Puma Feasted © Jerry L. Ferrara
Where’s The Peanuts??!! When the peanuts are late arriving at the seed tray, this is the look displayed: “Where’s the peanuts??!!” ~ Anecdote and Black-capped Chickadee capture, Where’s The Peanuts??!! © Jerry L. Ferrara
And The Storm Carried On The pre-dawn light had difficulty expressing itself through the moisture-laden overcast … and the storm carried on. As sun-up slowly brightened the ambience, a gentle zephyr continued swirling a mixture of crystalline flakes and sleet through the grassland’s scape and a silent-winged visitor came low over the terrain landing upon an ancient, snow-mantled fence post. The Short- eared Owl had arrived … and the storm carried on. For a while the plucky predator keenly scanned with both eye and ear the nearby expanse, searching for a tell-tale murid movement or sound that would disclose the location of its quarry. The reticent domain balefully glared back and was silent … and the storm carried on. Without foreshadow the diminutive dynamo stooped forward and firmly launched to the sky. Its flight in departing was as silent and airy as its arrival … and the storm carried on. ~ Anecdote and Short-eared Owl capture, And The Storm Carried On © Jerry L. Ferrara.
Peekaboo! Peekaboo!I do see youI don’t think you see meAs big as II don’t see whyHow silly can you be? ~ Poem and Moose capture, Peekaboo! © Jerry L. Ferrara
The Feathered Fierceness On the marge of an island forest, a predator does waitIts very essence proves mal-intent, its goal is but to sateAnd so the ‘feathered fierceness’ does patiently abideWaits it for those who unaware come forth from where they hide ~ Poem and Great Horned Owl capture, The Feathered Fierceness © Jerry L. Ferrara
A Creature Fair and Bright A movement in the brushAccompanies the hushAnd in the morning lightA creature fair and bright ~ Poem and White-tailed Deer capture, A Creature Fair and Bright © Jerry L. Ferrara
Hunting On High A Northern Hawk Owl scans its surroundings while hunting on high. ~ Anecdote and Northern Hawk Owl capture, Hunting On High © Jerry L. Ferrara
Votives Light The Skyline A torch is borne westward and then vanishes into the hazy horizon. When concealment of the light concludes, a portent appears on the mountain tops far off in the east. Glowing markers burn radiant where on the morrow Prometheus will return the flame to mankind … and votives light the skyline. ~ Anecdote and alpenglow image, Votives Light The Skyline © Jerry L. Ferrara. Alpenglow paints the mountain peaks east of Sandpoint, Idaho.
A Predator’s Look While my nose points the way to the vermin at bayMy ears will be found to hear every soundYet my eyes cannot hide my true feelings insideSo a predator’s look should not be mistook ~ Poem and Coyote capture, A Predator’s Look © Jerry L. Ferrara